Westside Lotería,
Digital file and card game | Archivo digital y juego de cartas
Collection of the artist | Colección del artista
Photo courtesy of the artist | Imagen cortesía del artista

Artist’s Statement

Westside Lotería is a subjective version of history of a particular place: the west side of San Antonio, Texas. The artwork is based on the traditional Mexican lotería game, which is similar to bingo. What I've done is changed and updated all of the subjects and imagery to represent contemporary people and places. Some of the subjects are well known in San Antonio, and most are everyday residents of that part of town. The drawings are based on photos I took, and the backgrounds are also my photos of different places: some significant, some ordinary. Currently, there are many people moving to Texas from all over, and San Antonio is changing because of it. I hope my work helps to hold on to some of the culture that I've experienced and enjoyed.