Carlos Frésquez is inspired by cartoons, comic books and psychedelic posters. As a painter he loves bold colours. He uses his sense of humour to focus attention to critical issues and to poke fun. He was
born in Denver, where he still resides. He received a B.A. from Metropolitan State University of Denver (1980) and an MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder (1995). Frésquez has lectured widely about Chicano art history and his own artwork at many colleges, universities, galleries, and art centers, and is currently a Professor at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. He has exhibited his drawings, sculptures, prints, installations, and paintings in at least 30 U.S. states and ten different countries.
Frésquez’s work has been included in many regional and national touring exhibitions, including Arte Caliente (2005-2007), The Colorado Artist Fellowship Awards Exhibition (1997), The Chicano Codices; Encountering Art of the Americas (1992–1994), Chicano Aesthetics: Rasquachismo (1988-1989), and the ground-breaking exhibition featuring the work of 180 artists, Chicano Art: Resistance and Affirmation (1990–1993).
Este artista se inspira en dibujos animados, cómics y carteles psicodélicos y, como pintor, le encantan los colores llamativos. Utiliza su sentido del humor para centrarse en cuestiones críticas y burlarse de ellas. Nació en Denver donde aún reside, recibió una Licenciatura en Bellas Artes por la Metropolitan State University of Denver en 1980 y una Maestría en Bellas Artes por la University of Colorado Boulder, en 1995. Frésquez ha dado numerosas conferencias sobre la historia del arte chicano y muestra su propia obra de arte en muchos colegios, universidades, galerías y centros de arte, actualmente es profesor en la Metropolitan State University of Denver. Ha exhibido sus dibujos, esculturas, grabados, instalaciones y pinturas en al menos 30 estados de Estados Unidos y diez países diferentes.
Su trabajo ha sido incluido en muchas exhibiciones itinerantes nacionales y regionales, incluyendo Arte Caliente (2005-2007), The Colorado Artist Fellowship Awards Exhibition (1997), The Chicano Codices: Encountering Art of the Americas (1992–1994), Chicano Aesthetics: Rasquachismo (1988-1989) y la innovadora exposición que presenta el trabajo de 180 artistas: Chicano Art: Resistance and Affirmation (1990–1993).
We asked the artist to share their favourite things | Le pedimos a cada artista que comparta sus cosas favoritas